Friday 30 September 2016

Marketing Analysis

Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children

Where Marketing products were produced?


The first official trailer shows an underwater scene while in the background music plays theirs 'a new world coming' which is a part of the Diversion aspect of Stuart Halls Theory as the trailer shows a fantasy world and this allows escapism from our reality which is why people would want to watch it. It also uses the element of self-discovery as the trailer shows Jake accepting the children peculiarities and this would make the audience relate to the characters as they have their different individual features. 

The second official trailer focuses on the characters gifts and sets up the plot of the film as Jake would have to protect the children from the bad guys. There are also more elements of diversion and self-discovery as the text headings in the trailer include 'escape the ordinary' which allows the audience to want the unrealistic nature of the fantasy film and 'embrace the peculiar' which the audience can gain a sense of identity fro this trailer.

There was also a Happy Loop Day video released for the book fans of the series Peculiar Children which included Easter Eggs and references to the book.
This is one of the comments from the video that breaks down the references to the book and what the video entails.


There is a website created for the movie which contains the links to the Twitter and Facebook pages, where and how to get tickets, videos that contain trailers, clips, tours of the set and redefined clips of people showing off their peculiarity through art.

Official Website for the film


The #staypeculiar is trending on twitter

There were also Tim Burton designed snap chat filters on Snapchat for the film as can be shown below.


Posters are introducing each character and their gifts.


There is the use of synergy as clips of the film were played at the Olympics, commercials, and a TV spot was debuted on the Teen Choice Awards which is a show targeted to the kids and young teenagers who would most likely watch the film.  Marc Jacobs also did a display on Saks Fifth Avenue showing the theatrical view of peculiar children film by putting up portraits, clothing's and art to celebrate fashion and film in their exclusive collection.


There was a Featurette Interview with Tim Burton that showed his visionary statement for the movie. On Youtube, there are different interviews of the cast members.


Where could audience view the adverts?


On some buses, for example, the ones below, the posters put on buses changed the characters from miss peregrine to the hollow which caught the attention of the people on the streets as it had an interesting feature and would interest them.

Other places that it could be viewed are on bus stop posters, trailers that are shown before films start at cinemas. On Youtube, they are played as advertisements before watching videos.

What aspects of the film were promoted to attract an audience?

The director Tim Burton is known for being a visionary director and it is shown throughout the trailer of how it looked aesthetically stunning with the different landscapes and making the fantasy aspect of the film. There is also the superhero element of the movie, as the characters have different powers and the hero element is added in the film trailer. Towards the end of the trailer, there is a bit of an action scene as the main character is shown fighting a monster, which leaves a suspense of what the theme of the movie is about and this attracts the audience attention.

In your opinion, which were the most effective marketing strategies?

The ads that appears before the start of a youtube video is very effective as it does not allow you to skip the ad thereby you have to watch and have an idea of the film through the clip in the ad. 
The use of social media for example the snapchat filters and the #staypeculiar becomes a trend that everyone can participate in, which allows the movie to get more publicity and a wider audience.
The posters on buses and bus stops help remind people of the film, and the new feature that was included to the posters allowing the changing of characters makes it catch the attention of the audience.

Which of these ideas could you 'steal' to market your gangster film?

The use of social media to start trends on the gangster film, or upload behind the scenes clips and videos around the making of the movie. This allows me to get an audience faster and target the audience through people who have similar interests linked to gangster movies through recommended posts. Trends can also start faster for  example, the use of the #staypeculiar. Due to the fact social media is online, it is available anywhere to a global audience. Social Media allows the audience to like, share, or add clips of the trailer or film to their own sites, meaning they could convince their friends or family to watch or recommend the gangster film. 

Stuarts Halls Users and Gratifications Theory

How people gain knowledge and is used in all types of media. It is mainly used together in marketing or media.
  • Diversion 
  • Information
  • Socialisation
  • Self-discovery
Taking yourself away from reality. Wanting the unrealistic aspect of what you watch. 
  • Fantasy
  • Escapism 

To gain knowledge or learn through media. This could be done unconsciously, you always gain information from media.
  • Documentaries 
To be feel apart of a group. Being able to talk or feel involved in the media you watch, through conversations, game play, videos. 
  • Fandoms
  • Social groups
Self Discovery
Finding something relatable or familiar in media. Imagining yourself capable of doing what you see or learn in the media.
  • Sports/Action in a movie

Friday 23 September 2016

First project clip

Reflection on what I would do differently when filming

  • More filming of different camera angle
  • More visible shots as some scenes were blurry
  • Film without people in the background
  • Planning  

Prior to filming I used Final Cut Pro to recut the A.I movie from the genre of Science Fiction to Horror which allowed me to understand how to use some editing features to create a trailer