Monday 14 November 2016

Film Treatment

When Worse Comes To Worse


The beginning

The D 'Angelo family were known for one thing and that was power. The power to give and the power to take away. Two choices that may not seem like a lot but are engrained in the mind of all who follow or hear of the family.
The first time Gabriela participated in a run was due to a misunderstanding. How was she to know Perro, her guardian had sold her off to the Rags to pay off his debt. She was given a bag to be dropped off at Adriano's place. She wasn't supposed to have started a war between the two main families.
However, the rags had a different plan for her. They came to collect their property, at her door before she was even awake. Then dropped her of in the Dormitory, the supposed 'housing facility' but was used as training grounds for the slumps bringing up the best runners and transporters for the families. It was known for its harsh treatments and the amount of dead bodies that were piled up weekly at the lake. Gabriela knew she didn't stand a chance of surviving, the mortality rate for females were close to none. Gabriela also knew she couldn't run away from the rags. Instant Death Sentence. So she did herself a favor, with the limited resources she has, she bought bandages, hair dye, scissors, clothes, and contacts.
From that day Gabriela became Gabriele.

*5 years later*

Gabriele had gone up the ranks of the family, he could remember being in the streets the survival mechanisms kicking in. Learning to trust no one as they were snitches and ears all around the Rags waiting for you to mess up. Due to his quick thinking and tactical mind, Gabriele had been bought out from the Rags by Enrico and placed at the doorsteps of the D' Angelo Family. People of this family were given power, but there was an expected way to use it. The D' Angelo family used violence. Violence in any form, it could be from killing, it could be emotional pain, or isolation. This was exactly why the hazing program had been terrible for Gabriele. One being that he had his secret of his gender and the other being breaking a family.

Gabriele looked at the boy beside him, Vincenzio, a constant reminder of the destroyed childhood that the Di'Angelo family had induced on him. The killing of his parents was supposed to be a normality, but taking him into the family and raising him as a D'Angelo was an insult. However, Gabriele knew he couldn't go against the word of the Don.

Story Plan

Vincenzio parents are killed in front of him. He thinks Gabriele did it, and hatred towards Gabriele at first but due to the mentorship from him, he comes to accept Gabriele. Later he finds out it was the Don, Massimiliano, that personally killed his parents (make up a reason). Vincenzio starts to plot against the Don.

Massim hears the Rags have been gaining more power and income due to doing their business on other mafia families territories. He decides to send out one of his capos team to do the same with Michele territory. However, they get killed after an encounter with the Rags but the Rags lose some of their merchandise due to this. Rumors of The D' Angelo being involved in the incidents arise and there are arguments in the family, some questioning Massim leadership. The D' Angelo family is put under scrutiny due to Massim poor decisions and leadership, and Gabriele and Enrico warn him not to upset the Cosa Nostra. Massim does not listen to the counsel and plans to send off another Capo team that includes Vince but due to the increase of the police alertness due to the rise of misconduct shown by the rags, calls it off.

The upcoming group is surfacing and the leader Giacomo, who we find out is the leader of the Rags which links to Gabriele wants to destroy the Cosa Nostra and come up on top. Gabriele wants revenge on the Rags for selling him to the mafia family.

Don finds out about Gabriele's Gender. Feeling angered and betrayed by this, Don puts out a hit towards Gabriele, due to this Gabriele and Vincenzio decide to team up together to take out the Don. Gabriele first convinces the administration of the D 'Angelo family with the help of Enrico and gains support from them and the rest of the members. Meanwhile, Vince confronts the Don in his office alone, Vince pulls out a gun to kill Massim, Massim to disorient Vince tell the truth of Gabe's Gender. In the moment, Massim struggles to get the gun from Vince and points the gun to kill Vince. Gabriele enters from the secret passageway and shots Massim before Massim has a chance to kill Vince. Vincenzio becomes the next Don with Gabriele as his Consigliere and accepts Gabriele gender due to her saving his life.

Other Don families feel threatened by this takeover, they call for a meeting in which Basilio brings up the issue of the Rags getting out of hand, as they are alerting police attention onto the mafia drug business. As a peace settlement, Vince and Gabriele accept the job to take out the Rags. Gabriele who has been in the Dormitory before plans out and advises the Don on how to intercept them. They confront themselves at night. In the fight between the Rags and Di Angelo family, Underboss Enrico gets killed in the process of the Vince winning by Vince killing Giacomo. Gabriele then becomes the Underboss of the D 'Angelo family. Everyone knows his true identity but is still accepted into the family.

Structure of Mafia

The Commission


Boss/ Don 

4 families

Abramo (Moretti)
Basilio ( Lo Vecchio)
Massimiliano (D' Angelo)
Michele (Zacchelli)



Gabriele (D' Angelo)






Capos of the D' Angelo



Soldiers of the Di' Angelo Family

Elda * 




(Betrays the Rags to Gabriele)




  1. Tatiana - this is a fantastic film treatment with an impressive attention to detail. It's following all of the key tropes of gangster movies and you've clearly done your research! Have you given any thought to how you are representing particular groups in your film? I'm thinking not only of gender, but possible other groups as well. I'd like you to jot down your thoughts on how different groups are being represented.

    1. I will do a response on another blog post on the Italian mafia and how they are represented as well which will link to the representation of gender roles in the Godfather.

    2. I have used The Godfather outlook on Gender linking it to the other representation. My response can be found in the blogpost,
