Sunday 7 May 2017

Question 3

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Survey Monkey




From the feedback I received, I could tell that my trailer had a lot more female responses due to the main character of my film trailer "When Worse Comes To Worse" is a female thereby getting more interests from the female audience. The age group that responded the most were 17 to 21 year olds, which shows that the R rating on the trailer was appropriate for the audience at hand seeing as there were no 16 and below. In addition to this the main cast were around 17-18 which shows that the audience responds to the cast members and characters they portray. Most of the audience liked the trailers as they particularly enjoyed the soundtrack used so the music choice of Tuning Out was effective in representing the mood of my trailer. Since the majority of responses got that the film trailer was the gangster genre, that means I followed the codes and conventions of gangster themes in my trailer. Most people in the response saw the link between my film influence The Godfather which I am pleased by as I tried to imitate some of the scenes and codes from the film. They also agreed the my brand of identity was strong throughout the trailer, magazine and poster as they could tell the link by its presentation including colour schemes and iconic scenes along with the recognition of the main character who is the female lead Gabriele. Majority of the responses agree that my brand of identity and film trailer are unique due to the colour scheme used which was black, white and red and sticking with this code throughout, they also liked how most of the scenes were shot particularly the violent scene. 

Finally continuing with the earlier focus group/interview, I asked people to watch my trailer and explain how they felt about it the video is down below

Audience Feedback using Powtoon

Focus Group/ Interview Part 2

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