Wednesday 3 May 2017

Poster Research


Whilst researching on Film Posters I found key components that are used in the posters which are
Taglines- to summarize the feel of the film 
Film Title - usually in bold 
Main Image- usually consisting of the main character of the film
Directors and Producers- so the audience would know who the director is and his/her style
Quotes and ratings - the audience can be influenced into watching the film with good reviews
Dates and extra information- consisting of the website or where to find useful information or trivia for the film
Main actors/ Cast- high profile actors would draw audiences in.
Billing blocks- consisting of the management

Gangster Posters

For reference I decided to look at gangster film posters as it goes with my genre
I viewed the following

Road to perdition

I was influenced by the tagline from this poster "Pray For Michael Sullivan" as it is put at the top and the sentence is separated into two lines.

I decided to use this in my film poster as my tagline being "", I put the tagline of mine towards the right hand side on my poster.

Gangster Squad

For Gangster Squad I liked how the main actors starring in the film were placed at the bottom of the main picture, also the main lead actor has his characters name underneath him.
I used this format for mine as Gabriele's actress Maitry who is the main star in my gangster film had the same format.
I also liked the billing blocks and how they were formatted as it is centralized and under the list of the cast so I used a similar approach to mine. However I decided to put the age restriction underneath mine.

American Gangster

In this poster I was influenced by how the main image was blended into the background in a similar sense to film noir, I decided to use this for my trailer as my main image is blended with the black background where the booth is opened and the bottom of my trailer as I had space then to put my billing blocks.

Billing block

I made my own billing block at the end of my poster by using the template below as a resource
The font I choose that was close to the film posters was the SF movie poster which resembles the billing block

I then changed the colour to a grey theme, used the font sizes as 14, 18 and 30 to make it look more realistic.

Fonts Used

Blocking of my film poster

Film poster from Tatiitat

Working on my poster

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