Friday 31 March 2017

Effects, (Title, Audio and Video)

For scene 4, due to it being a flashback in my screenplay I decided to change the scene into black and white which was inspired by the convention of Film Noir.

The effects I used was the image control to change it to black and white. However, I found that the filter used made the scene look faded and a washed out way. I change this by decreasing the brightness and increasing the contrast to make it look more gritty.

In addition I decided to use the black and white effect on the scenes that were flashbacks or in the past so the audience can be able to determine the different stages in the timeline of the trailer, which hopefully will allow the audience to understand the storyline and plot.


Changing the contrast and brightness
The changes to the brightness was done by lowering it by 2 giving it a more darker effect which goes along with the convention of gangster films. The contrast was also changed to 10


Effects Used


On the effects tab, the video effects include the use of image control which I used on the scene to create the black and white effect. I also included one of the colour correction effect making use of the brightness and contrast to change the depth of the scene.


While editing, I found that one of my clips looked odd as it didn't quite follow the 180 degree rule so I decided to use the effect of transformation to flip the clip





Using the effect



I looked at Art of the Title for designs of titles

I was influenced by the title of Sin City so I implemented the stile of black and white, making some of my words in red allowing it to stand out.

I also added the screen shot of my billing board from my poster to my trailer so the identity of my brand can be continous

Audio Gain

For the voices I used the Audio Gain to increase them so the conversation can be heard properly

I decreased the soundtrack to make it more audible

Audio Effects
Using Exponential Fade for the music

I edited the gunshot effects onto my trailer


Video Transitions


Trying out Effects

Colour grading

Colour grading is the process of altering and enhancing the colour of a video or image.
The use of the red green and blue channels can adjust brightness of various different levels of color.
The enhancements are used to change the mood or scenery of the video.

The RGB curve effects can be used best for cross processing
The colour balance does subtle changes to the hues along with the tint and filters FX
The 3 way colour corrector allows you to adjusts shadow, mid tones and highlightes of the video using compression.

I first changed the window to show the effects workspace.
Then the use of the tab effects opened up a list of different effects that could be applied to the video. The video effects was chosen which lead me to change the colour balance as I inserted it to the clip I wanted to be changed.

Colour correction

After (decreased the highlights on the clip)

Changed the midtones and shadows to further develop the video to look similar to the crime genre



Friday 24 March 2017

Focus Group Part 1

Interview/ Focus Groups

For my audience research, I decided to make a focus group like an interview so it can be more personal and informative to allow me to understand what audiences would appreciate in my film trailer on the Gangster genre.

For the formation of the questions, I took some of my inspiration such as The Godfather, Live by night, and Once Upon a Time in America showing their trailers to my focus group. This informed me on what the audience would appreciate more of while watching a Gangster trailer and what to imitate from them. In addition, the focus group talked about their thoughts on the actual genre as a whole and what they know or have heard about it.

My decision to split of the focus groups and interview them individually was due to getting their own specific thoughts on the genre so that they are not influenced by the other people showing the raw and creative side to each person thinking, which I found useful as it adds to my target audiences demographic and psychographics.


Friday 10 March 2017


Editing Scene 5
Consisting of a medium back shot, low angled close up, and a wide shot.

Editing Car Scene
Trying out the car scene which is inspired by the trunk shot scene in Quentin Tarantino films.


Editing Scene 4

I found it was useful to scale down the clips to 41 from the video effects as it fitted the scene effectively.

I uploaded what I had filmed for scene Scene 2 and 3 which I filmed on Wednesday. I then worked on editing scene 4 and combining two clips from which were shot separately.


Editing Scene 2 and 3
Consisted of wide and long shots, going to be fast quick shots. Includes effect of black and white due to it being in the past.

Establishing Shot


Trying to create a slow motion effect for the clip of the establishing shot

Using Adobe After Effects