Friday 3 March 2017


While Filming

The establishing shot

The problem that I encountered was the weather while filming the tripod was unstable due to the wind.  Also due to the filming being outside, there were people constantly getting in the shot which increased my time for filming.
The scene that I chose to do was a zoom in with the establishing shot of the field with buildings in the outskirts/ background.

Second establishing shot 

While going to film my 3rd scene, I found a better location sight for my establishing shot. Filming this scene was rather fast as it just consisted of different zoom in, zoom out and pans which some where 180 and 360. The slow motion can be edited in later. 

The Car Scene 

The car scene was rather quick to film compared to the other scenes. The problem I encountered with this scene was that I had to position the camera in an angle in the booth of the car, however, when the actor closed the booth the camera moved, for this we placed it against an object to keep it in place. I decided on a match on action on the booth being opened and closed. Inspired by the trunk shots used by Quentin Tarantino. 

The Bathroom Scene (Scene 5)

For the bathroom scene, I had to use a prop which was the mirror.
The shots I used
The back shot = was the easiest due to only filming behind her
The sideways shot= this was a bit tricky as I couldn't get captured in the shot that was being filmed as there was a mirror cabinet over head and a mirror in front of her.
The close-up shot= For the close-up angle I mounted the camera directly in front of her and placed the camera at a slightly higher angle to get her full face.

The Bedroom Scene (Scene 4)

I filmed the hallway scene as a long shot, and did a match on action to the door opening and closing as the actor (the hit man) entered the room. From there on I decided to film from all the four points on the room which allowed me to follow the actors movements once he enters the room and stands in front of the others. 
Problems encountered while filming this scene was that one of my actors who was a child had to be shot at a different location because of the violence in the scene. The solution was to film him in the closet and edit him into the scene. 
I found while filming that dialogue was easy to follow and remember however some of the content from my screenplay couldn't be filmed because it didn't work with the scene. 
Consideration for the scene to be in black and white inspired by film noir. The black and white scenes will represent the flashbacks.

The Childhood Scene (Scene 2 and 3)

The childhood scene included the use of children for my actresses and actors. There were a lot of retakes due to trying to convey what was on the screenplay. Overall, It went great as I filmed location wise next to a sort of alleyway parking lot, and the 2nd scene was filmed as a long shot to allow me to do quick shots using editing later. The 3rd scene had to be turned into a wide shot which panned to the left showing the reaction of the main character and her walking away. 
The problem encountered was the fact that due to it being filmed outside there was a lot of people passing by which halted the filming process for a bit. 

Side Note: Whilst filming in this location I tried to get a shot of an airplane in flight. However, it looked shaky since the tripod couldn't be used and unpredictable as the timing of when the airplane was coming couldn't be foreseen. 

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